Will Watch, The Bold Smuggler
Source: G.W.Bennett MS.
Composer: Trad.
Region: South West
Circa: 1849-1900
Year: 1860

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This attractive tune is the melody of "Will Watch The Bold Smuggler", a popular English broadside ballad from the early 19th century. It is easily found online The first couple of verses from one broadside of about 1820 run thus: One morn when the wind from the northward blew keenly, While sullenly roared the big waves of the main, A famed smuggler, Will Watch, kissed his Sue, then serenely Took helm, and to sea boldy steered out again. Will had promised his Sue that this trip, if well ended, Should coil up his ropes, and he'd anchor to shore; When his pockets were lined, why his life should be mended, The laws he had broken he'd never break more. His sea-boat was trim - made her port - took her lading, Then Will stood to sea, reached the offing, and cried, This night, if I've luck, furls the sails of my trading. In dock I can lay - serve a friend to beside. He lay to till night came on darksome and dreary, To crowd every sail then he piped up all hands; But a signal soon spied - 'twas a prospect uncheerly, A signal that warned himto bear from the land.

Cover of Bennett MS.
